Thursday, August 2, 2007


Now the summer is slowly ending (even if I do not think it ever started this year) and I am trying to get back to my routines. One of these is to identify designs that I, for one reason or another, like. Me and my boyfriend moved in together in the end of June which led us to visit IKEA almost every weekend since. During one of these visits I came across this:

Later, when I showed this purchase (I actually bought one) for a friend of ours, he was surprised that I seemed to be as enthusiastic about that thing (a toothbrush-holder) as I would be about a new TV or other more expensive gadget. So why do I find it so fascinating? Well... It is a very simple design that solves one of the problems toothbrush-holders usually have: it gathers water on the bottom of them. With this design you can simply tip it a bit and the water will fall off. It also show the core of every design for holding toothbrushes: it has a supporting "floor" and a top with holes in it. It does not get more minimalistic than that. And you really do not need anything else to support a toothbrush.

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